DELTA台達109 M5M6M7
To understand how a computer system works. Emphasis will be placed on 1. What characterizes the performance of a computer 2. Instruction set design 3. Basic building blocks: I/O, Memory, Datapath, Control 4. Pipelined datapath 5. Memory hierarchy
Course keywords: computer architecture, instruction set architecture, processor design, memory design, data path, cache design, pipelined processor 一、課程說明(Course Description) To understand how a computer system works. Emphasis will be placed on 1. What characterizes the performance of a computer 2. Instruction set design 3. Basic building blocks: I/O, Memory, Datapath, Control 4. Pipelined datapath 5. Memory hierarchy 二、指定用書(Text Books) P.A.Patterson and J.L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Fifth Ed., Asian Edition, Elsevier Taiwan LLC, 2013. 三、參考書籍(References) 四、教學方式(Teaching Method) 本課程教學方式,與傳統以老師講授為主的方式不同。 本課程將採取翻轉式教學: Before class: 1、學生將透過網路,預先觀看教學投影片錄影。 In class: 2、第一節,課程內容提示。 教師提示本週課程重點並抽點同學回答問題,以了解同學理解狀況。 同學對觀看投影片不瞭解部分,提出問題。老師回答全體同學。 3、第二節,小組討論及小組解題。 透過個別互動,小組成員互相協助了解課程內容及解題。 助教及教師回答個別小組及同學的個別問題。 4、第三節,小組對抗賽。 老師抽點小組成員上台講解、回答(group performance) 第二節所完成的小組解題。 After class: 5、繳交解題答案。 五、教學進度(Syllabus) Course outlines 1: Computer abstractions and technology 2: The role of performance 3: Instructions: language of the machine 4: Arithmetic for computers 5: The processor: datapath and control 6: Enhancing performance with pipelining 7: Large and fast: exploiting memory hierarchy 六、成績考核(Evaluation) In-class performance (group performance 及小測驗) 28% 作業及期末project 12% 期中考 30% 期末考 30% 何謂group performance: 1. Forming study groups. Each group has around 5-7 students. a. For members in the same group, their group performance will be the same. b. Advanced learner will help less advanced learner! 2. Group performance: a. One member in each group will be randomly selected to answer teacher’s question b. Students answer the question on the blackboard 根據本校公布之佈的「大學教育場域AI協作、共學與素養培養指引」,本門課程採取禁止使用。 修讀本門課程之學生應注意本門課不得繳交使用生成式人工智慧所產出的作業。若經查核發現,教 師、學校或相關單位有權重新針對作業或報告重新評分或不予計分。修讀本課程之學生於選課時視 為同意以上倫理聲明。 七、可連結之網頁位址 (待確認) 1. 清華磨課師 (MOOCs) 2. 課程相關資料 3. 清華大學開放式課程(OpenCourseWare OCW),觀看課程錄影 4. Sharecourse,觀看課程錄影
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平均百分制 72.22
標準差 17.76
平均百分制 74.82
標準差 14.27
平均百分制 79.18
標準差 13.5
平均百分制 74.29
標準差 17.17
平均百分制 77.24
標準差 16.02